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This little sprig of mistletoe is a perfect addition to any home at Christmas or a perfect gift.  The sprig contains three of the copper mistletoe singles, set off with a glass bead berry and then twisted into this elegant little sprig, they are then finished off with luxury velvet ribbon to give it the traditional Christmas feel .

The sprig is the smallest of the mistletoe groups so if you are looking for a bigger statement or for a centerpiece in a hall or porch you might want to look at the medium and large groups. All mistletoes are classic Christmas staple , which can be brought out year after year.

All mistletoes are treated and lacquered so that they can be displayed inside or outside with out the metal tarnishing or dulling.

The twisted stem goes up to form a hook at the top, so it can easily be hung up.

Mistletoes can be teased out an manipulated to whatever shape you prefer.

To try and reduce the postage for you , the mistletoes will be packaged flatter so will just need a gentle pull or twist of the leaves to get into its full glory. Beads and ribbon may vary slightly as its been hard sourcing the items this year.


  • Width: 10 cms
    Height: 25 cms

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